Forum Members can upload service pictures here!  We need photos of your club in action.  The photo may even end up in the 2017 Forum Show!  If you are logged in, just click the upload button.
728 photo(s) Updated on: 08/14/2024
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  • Bernie Constable, Robert Prinse, Meagan Frisse, Neil Rickaby and Dorothea Frisse of the Chilliwack Lions Club, Chilliwack BC serving lunch at Camp Horizon in Birch Bay WA.
  • Robert Prinse and Bill Lyle of Chilliwack Lions Club, Chilliwack, BC Canada, letting kids shoot ping pong balls at the Lion target. Party-In-the-Park
  • Bernie Constable, President of Chilliwack Lions Club, at Party-In-The-Park August 2/14
  • National Night Out Sponsored by Jefferson Community Lions Club 14-C
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